Daily Announcements
• Breakfast and lunch in the Gator cafeteria are free to all Captain Shreve students this school year. Stop in!
• Students, check the Shreveport Times Athlete of the Week site and vote for Captain Shreve athletes. Leah Bryant is this week’s nomination for Captain Shreve. Vote as many times as you can.
• Shelby Owens and Elizabeth Watts, have been selected as honorees for the fourth annual Virginia K. Shehee Most Influential Young Woman Awards. They were carefully selected for their academic excellence, leadership qualities and commitment to service. Shelby and Elizabeth will be honored at the 2025 Virginia K. Shehee Most Influential Woman and Most Influential Young Woman Award luncheon on March 6, 2024. Congratulations!
• Cell phones, headphones, and other electronic devices are not allowed to be visible during the instructional day. Devices should be turned off and stored away in backpacks or purses during the instructional day. If they are not, devices will be confiscated.
• Attention Seniors! If you and your parents need help with the FAFSA, please plan to attend FAFSA Night with them on Tuesday, January 28, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. We will have experts from Career Compass and The Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance to walk you through the process.
• There are no drop-offs for food, money, lunches, clothes, backpacks, Door Dash, Dominos, or any other food delivery service. Do not ask anyone to drop off anything for you.
• Students, food, and drinks are not permitted in the classrooms.