Daily Announcements

• Breakfast and lunch in the Gator cafeteria are free to all Captain Shreve students this school year. Stop in!

• Are you struggling with your math class? Do you need some help with your math homework? The Math Club is here for you. Come to room A112 for peer tutoring on Tuesday mornings from 7:45 to 8:15. Bring your math work with you and get help from some of Captain Shreve's best math students. Ask your math teacher for more details.

• Students, check the Shreveport Times Athlete of the Week site and vote for Captain Shreve athletes. Vote as many times as you can. This week’s Captain Shreve’s nominee is Solomon Thawngceu, soccer.

• Hey JUNIORS! Jostens will be on campus in front of the auditorium on Wednesday, February 19, to take your class ring order. If you haven't ordered a class ring yet, now is the time to do it! Ring ceremony will be here before you know it. See Mrs. Garcia in B104 for more information.

VERDANT, the student art and literary anthology at Captain Shreve High School, has been recognized with an EXCELLENT rating by the National Council of Teachers of English and the REALM Awards. The REALM program publicly recognizes excellent literary magazines produced by students with the support of their teachers. REALM is designed to encourage all schools to develop literary magazines that celebrate the art and craft of writing. This year, schools in 46 states and five countries nominated 422 student magazines. The 2024 edition of Verdant was edited by Drake Aymond, Shreve Class of 2024. Creative Directors were Roman McDonald and Nyla Pratt. Advisors were Mrs. Aubrey Garcia, Mr. Chris Long, and Mrs. Devin Rachels. Cover art was provided by Andrew Campbell. To read and enjoy all of the literature in the 2024 edition of Verdant, go to CaptainShreve.CaddoSchools.org and view the Verdant collections under the Student Menu. Congratulations to all who collaborated on this achievement!

If you are interested in contributing your art or literary work to Verdant 2025 or serving on the 2025 editorial team, see Mrs. Rachels in room MH-12. Writers may also pursue publishing opportunities with Artbreak! Literary categories include:

See your English teacher for entry forms and details. Entries are due by February 21.

• Congratulations to men’s soccer teammate Jose Gomez who made the State West All-Star team. We are Gator proud of Jose!

• Attention all Gators: Captain Shreve is proud to announce its annual offering of the ACT On Track Prep boot camp Saturday, March 1, from 9:00 am - !2:00 pm. This is an amazing opportunity for students to get help from certified instructors to boost those ACT scores at a reduced rate of $100 and can be paid on payschoolscentral.com. For more information, contact junior counselor, Mrs. Sella.

• Texas & AM University-Texarkana Student Recruitment Specialist, Savannah Tropp, will be on campus Tuesday, February 18, for both lunch visits.

• Key Club has some exciting things going on right now! They are accepting donations of women's clothing, socks, and accessories that will benefit the women of Providence House. From now until March 7th, drop off any donations to Ms. Holley's room in A300. They are also accepting children's book donations for a book drive benefitting AC Steere students. From now until March 20th, drop off any books in Mrs. Mainiero's room in A310.

• Congratulations to the following tennis players who won matches against Airline to open the season last Thursday: Sophie McFarlain, Gabby McFarlain, and Kevin Killen in singles, and the doubles teams of Camila Diaz and Avery Watson, Shiloh Chance and Peyton Fraser, Ava Bogan and Eva Snead, and Rylan Maranto and Carter Bobbitt. There is no charge for admission to come out and support Gator tennis! Go Gators!

• LSUS admission recruiter, Tia Wilson will be on campus, Wednesday, February 19, for both lunch visits.

• Hey Key Club! There will be a general meeting on Thursday, February 20, in Mrs. Mainiero's room in A310 at 7:50.

•  Students, food, and drinks are not permitted in the classrooms.

Previous Announcements