Announcements – Wednesday, March 5
• Breakfast and lunch in the Gator cafeteria are free to all Captain Shreve students this school year. Stop in!
• Students, do not wear hoodies at any time this year. Hoods cannot be tucked into the shirt to hide them. Hoodies will be confiscated. No blankets. No hats or headgear are allowed in any of the buildings.
• Yearbook group pictures will be taken today in B103. A schedule has been posted to Canvas and shared with all teachers. Please be reminded that you must be early or on time for your picture. There will be no holds or retakes due to missing/late group members. If you have any questions, see Coach Long in A108.
• Sophomores interested in taking the PSAT 10 may sign up on PaySchool PSAT. The cost is $18. The PSAT 10 measures readiness for college, access scholarships, and practice for the SAT. It is the pretest for the PSAT you may take as a junior. The deadline to sign up is now through March 19. The PSAT 10 will be administered April 29 during the school day.
• Hey Gators! Today you will have the opportunity to play Reaux Sham Beaux! If you would like to play, come by A113 before school tomorrow to get a set of beads! Reaux Sham Beaux is essentially a rock-paper-scissors tournament. You start with one specific set of Mardi Gras beads. You will play rock-paper-scissors against other players throughout the day, and the winner of each round wins all of their opponent's beads. Some teachers will have special beads as well. You need ten sets of beads to challenge a teacher. At the end of the school day, you will bring your beads back to Mrs. Jenkins and the person with the most beads wins dinner on us!
• Z Club is hosting the annual Gators for Good Carnival on Thursday, March 6. All activities will cost tickets. Tickets will cost 50 cents each and be on sale March 3-6. Cash only. Stop by the Z Club table in the cafeteria foyer for more information.
• Key Club has some exciting things going on right now! They are accepting donations of women's clothing, socks, and accessories that will benefit the women of Providence House. From now until March 7th, drop off any donations to Ms. Holley's room in A300. They are also accepting children's book donations for a book drive benefitting AC Steere students. From now until March 20th, drop off any books in Mrs. Mainiero's room in A310.
• Students, food, and drinks are not permitted in the classrooms.